Read PDF The Gospel of Science: Mind-blowing New Science on Ancient Truths to Heal Our Stress, Lives, and Planet

Read PDF The Gospel of Science: Mind-blowing New Science on Ancient Truths to Heal Our Stress, Lives, and Planet Online eBook

The Gospel of Science: Mind-blowing New Science on Ancient Truths to Heal Our Stress, Lives, and Planet

Description of The Gospel of Science: Mind-blowing New Science on Ancient Truths to Heal Our Stress, Lives, and Planet

You may have read claims before that a book can change your life and the world. However in the opening pages of The Gospel of Science you will read comments from top experts in the fields of; Mind-Body and Personal Growth, Physics, Sociology, Economics, Government, and Theology, who after enjoying the hundreds of pages of exciting cutting edge research methodically and poetically cited in this unique book, came to the enthusiastic conclusion, that indeed--The Gospel of Science delivers on this promise.So if you want to change your life and world in extraordinarily exciting and healthful ways, this book is a profound place to begin. The Gospel of Science is an unprecedented book on cutting edge science revealing that each of us, and humanity as a whole, are on the cusp of profound personal and global transformation. Did you know that science has discovered a technique that can increase our IQ, our creativity, or ability to learn and adapt to new information, while healing our DNA, dramatically reducing illness, depression, and anxiety, and even reversing our aging process by years? If you find that exciting, you will find a vast resource of other thrilling new science in The Gospel of Science.What if, by enjoying all these profound benefits from this personal transformation, we were also laying the ground work for a new world? This book makes a solid data-driven case that a world of plenty, a more calm, peaceful, and exciting world is about to unfold its petals IF, and when, we are ready to allow it into being. Knowing it can happen is the first step, and letting go of our fears of the future is a crucial part of that first step, rather replacing those fears with science-based hope for our personal and collective future. The Gospel of Science will replace your fears with faith and hope--and this is an important thing to allow at this time in human history.The author of "The Gospel of Science" reveals how "self-fulfilling prophecy" is a powerful thing, so the way we see ourselves and our world now becomes vastly important to the world being created in the ether of our consciousness right now--and new science proves it. The Gospel of Science, citing voluminous emerging scientific data, leaves readers with a certainty in their answer to the most important question human beings can ask ourselves--Is the universe a friendly place? Einstein pointed out that our answer to this question is the most important answer we can give, because every action and the world we create is a result of our answer to this question. The Gospel of Science will leave you knowing that the answer to that question is an irrefutable "YES!"The Gospel of Science is not pollyannish about this answer, but methodically builds this conclusion over hundreds of pages of cited scientific articles, studies, and data.This unparalleled book shows scientific proof of a technique that makes us far more capable of "actualizing" the kind of life and world we seek.Do yourself and the world a huge favor, read The Gospel of Science, and then spread that gospel in every way you can.


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